Thesis in the Field of Voice Research
Background: The human voice is created in a complex interaction of fluid flow, structural vibration and propagation of acoustic waves. The vocal folds are the generators of sound, which is subsequently filtered in the vocal tract; the voice is created by changing the shape of the vocal tract during speech. In voice research, it is often assumed that the vocal tract serves only as a filter of the sound from the vocal folds, but has no influence on the vibration and flow at the vocal folds. However, this assumption is not always valid. Therefore, the interaction between vocal folds and vocal tract will be investigated with different experiments and simulations. Questions of interest to the scientific community are under which conditions the interaction occurs, how large it is, and how it affects the vocal pattern.

Tasks: A variety of methods is applied to investigate the interaction between vocal fold vibration, flow, and vocal tract. Both work on our experimental vocal fold test rig, as well as numerical work or programming tasks, are possible. In the experimental field, the focus is mainly on optical measurement techniques such as laser Doppler vibrometry or particle image velocimetry (PIV). In numerical work, simulations in fluid mechanics, acoustics, or coupled simulations are to be performed.
Prerequisites: You should be able to show interest in the topic of voice research. The course of study is rather secondary as long as the task interests you. Depending on your specific skills and interests, we can find a focus for your thesis together. If you are generally interested, please contact me at any time by mail ( Then we can discuss the possibilities in detail. Languages should be German and/or English.
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