Master/Project Thesis: Flow around a Merchant Ship Hull

Symbolic picture for the article. The link opens the image in a large view.
Figure 1: BULK JAPAN, from


The Institute of Fluid Mechanics is involved in an European project called CEEC (  CEEC’s ambition is to enable the use of exascale computers for key computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications and demonstrate their capabilities through key light-house cases. The light-house case we are working on, is the flow around a merchant ship hull, i.e., the Japanese Bulk Carrier. The prediction of the flow field will be done with our in-house flow solver Neko. For that in the first stage the case has to be setup, a mesh has to be generated, boundary and initial conditions have to be prescribed. In the next step, the simulations will be conducted on the NHR clusters Fritz and Alex. Afterwards, within a post-processing step, the simulation results will be evaluated and documented.


Specific tasks:

  • Literature study on the numerical simulation of the benchmarks case: Japanese Bulk Carrier
  • Extraction of the relevant case setup
  • [Implement algebraic and / or machine-learning enriched models into Neko]
  • Setting up of validation test cases and perform simulations
  • Data analysis and reporting of the results


  • Interest in turbulent flows, LES, wall-models and coding
  • Successfully taken part in NMTFD1+2 or CFD1+2 respectively
  • Independence working style

Starting date: immediately
