Student Theses
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics supervises student research projects, bachelor and master theses in German or English language in all scientific fields. During their thesis period, the students are integrated into the institute’s team and the projects of the respective division, i. e. they fully comprehend the implication of their work in current research projects of the institute.
If you are interested in doing your thesis at the LSTM, please refer to the following information on our research groups.
Available Subjects
- Master/Project thesis: Improving the CFL limitations of high-fidelity turbulence simulations
Background: High fidelity simulations of turbulence often involve long integration times and lengthy simulations. Given the (inverse) proportionality of the computational cost with time step…
- Master/Project Thesis: Flow around a Merchant Ship Hull
Background: The Institute of Fluid Mechanics is involved in an European project called CEEC ( CEEC’s ambition is to enable the use of exascale computers…
- Master/Project Thesis: Wall-modeled LES and Machine Learning
Background: The Institute of Fluid Mechanics is involved in a European project called CEEC ( CEEC’s ambition is to enable the use of exascale computers…
- Wake characteristics of a wind farm – Numerical simulations
Background: The effectiveness of wind farms in energy production is largely influenced by energy entrainment. In the atmosphere, the boundary layer fluctuates throughout the day,…
- Flat plate boundary layer setup in wind tunnel – Experimental investigation
Background: A uniform fluid flow over a solid surface develops a boundary layer because of the viscous forces very close to the wall. Due to…
- Master Thesis: Rheological Measurements of Salt-Free Polyelectrolyte Solutions
Are you ready to dive into an innovative rheology research with significant industrial implications? The LSTM invites applications for a master’s thesis focused on the…
- Master‘s thesis: Development of a CFD simulation framework to easily replicate experiments performed in LSTM’s aeroacoustic wind-tunnel
Background: Over the past 20 years, LSTM’s aeroacoustic wind-tunnel was used to analyze the fluid dynamics and acoustics of various generic configurations, such as: Noise…
- Master‘s thesis: Investigation of Inflow Conditions for Aeroacoustic Applications in Nek5000
Background: An accurate inflow condition is crucial for obtaining reliable results for turbulent flows. These inflow conditions must replicate the physical behavior of the flow…
- Large-scale simulations of wall turbulence using SIMSON
Background: SIMSON is a pseudo-spectral solver of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which uses a velocity/vorticity formulation and a Fourier/Chebyshev representation of the fields. While the…
- Abschlussarbeit Strömungsmessungen am LSTM Ölkanal
Hintergrund: Für alle laseroptischen Messverfahren ergeben sich Schwierigkeiten bei Untersuchungen in unmittelbarer Wandnähe. Bevor es zum Berühren des Messvolumens an der Wandoberfläche kommt, behindert Streulicht,…
Assigned Subjects
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit: Numerische Untersuchung eines Glasschallschutzes für Orchestermusiker mittels openCFS
Hintergrund: Bei Orchestermusikern weltweit kommt es aufgrund der temporär hohen Schallbelastung immer wieder zu gravierenden Hörschädigungen, die im schlimmsten Fall irreversibel sind und zur Berufsunfähigkeit führen.…
- Master/Project: CFD simulation of the cooling circuit of a fuel cell powered Rotary Drilling Rig
Background: As part of a new research project at the Chair of Fluid Mechanics, a rotary drilling rig for special civil engineering is to be…
- Projekt- / Masterarbeit – Strömungssimulation des Kompressionsvorgangs in einem Scroll-Verdichter
Hintergrund: Mit der schnell fortschreitenden Entwicklung neuer E-Fahrzeuge rückt das Thermomanagement im Fahrzeug zu einer zentralen Schlüsselkomponente in den Fokus. Über das HVAC-System und dem…
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit Raumakustische Analyse des CBI-Foyers in der Cauerstraße 4
Hintergrund: Das Foyer im Lehrgebäude der Chemie- und Bioingenieure in der Cauerstraße 4 der FAU ist bekannt dafür über eine ausgesprochen schlechte Raumakustik zu verfügen.…
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit CFD-Simulation der Luft-/ und Temperaturverteilung in einem klimatisierten Kircheninnenraum
Hintergrund: Im Zuge der Renovierungsarbeiten der in den nachempfundenen Formen der Frühgotik erbauten St. Johanniskirche in Forchheim wird über den Einbau eines neuen Klimatisierungssystems nachgedacht,…