Past Seminars

CBI Seminar Jörg Schumacher, TU Ilmenau: Date and Time: Thursday, January 16, 16:15-17:15, KSI Cauerstr. 4 Boundary layer analysis in high-Rayleigh number turbulent convection Turbulent convection processes are ubiquituous in nature and technology. We study the structure of the thermal and ...

Date & Time: Thursday, 10.10.2024, at 14:15. Speaker: Dr. Cai Tian Topic: "Flow mechanisms around step cylinders" Abstract: Cylindrical structures with abruptly changed cross-sections are widely used in various fields of marine engineering, such as lazy wave risers, top-tensioned riser...

The CBI Department cordially invites you to  the CBI Day 2024  with the public inaugural lectures by  PD Dr. Anna Maria Becker ,  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bastian JM Etzold  and  Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter on June 20, from 3:00 p.m., in the Hanns Hofmann Lecture Hall (KS I). The program for the CBI Day can b...