Our database offers access to a range of simulation and experimental data for researchers. It includes simulation results and data from various experiments, intended to support scientific and academic work. You are free to use the data, but in case of publications, please cite the relevant papers as given on the respective pages.
Selected data sets:
- Turbulent flow around NACA4412 wing profile (link to folder, zip). Reference: Mallor et al. 2025, Exp.Therm. Fluid Sci. 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2024.111327. Last update 02.02.2025
- Turbulent boundary layers at various Re up to Re_\theta=4300, DNS and LES (zip, link, time series): Schlatter and Örlü, JFM 2010,
- Turbulent boundary layers at various Re up to Re_theta=8300, LES (profiles: zip, link time series: link): Eiter-Amor, Örlü and Schlatter, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 2013, 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.02.006
- Turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients (Bobke et al. 2017, data)
- Turbulent pipe flow at Re_tau=180 to 5200; Yao et al. JFM 2023, Data at Texas Tech University:
For all datasets, use the navigation to the left. More data or help with postprocessing can be provided upon request.
Please send your comments to Philipp Schlatter.