
- Test cross-section 1,87m x 1,40m,
- Maximum flow velocity 55 m/s
- Turbulence intensity < 0,4%

- Test cross-section 0,80m x 1,00m
- Length of the test-section 8,8 m
- Maximum flow velocity 2,5 m/s
- Turbulence intensity < 2%
- Contraction ratio 4:1
- Test cross-section 0,60m x 0,45 m
- Maximum flow velocity 4,8 m/s
- Test-Sections:
A1 = 0.2 m x 0.26 m
A2 = 0.25 m x 0.33 m
A3= 0.35 m x 0.5 m - Max. Velocity:
U1= 55 m/sec (200 km/h)
U2 = 35 m/sec (125 km/h)
U3 = 20 m/sec (72 km/h)
- Max. Volume Rate: 2.8 m³/s
- Turbulence Level: < 0.22 %
- Velocity Profile: Difference < 0.5 % of the Mean Value
- Sound Level Lp in 1 m Distance: 72 dB(A) at U=50 m/sec
- Measurements: Characteristic Line + Acoustics
- Dimension: 7m x 3.3 m 2.5m (LxHxB)
- Max. Volume rate: 3m³/s
- Max. Impeller diameter: D=1m
- Max. Pressure difference: 1300 Pa
- Utilizes Flate Absorbers
- Volume: 5 m x 4.6 m x 3 m
- Cut-off Frequency 300 Hz
- Semi- and Full Free Field Conditions

- Pressure Supply: 8,5 bar
- Mass Flow Rate : ~ 800 kg/h
- max. TC– Rotation Speed : 140000 1/min
- Integration Slaved Motor
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- Narrow-gap rotational rheometer based on: Anton Paar MCR 501
- Parallel disks, diameter 12.5-50 mm
- Gap widths down to 5 µm
- Shear rates: up to about 500,000/s
- Temperature range: 20-40°C
- Features: Fluorescence microscope, birefringence, normal forces at high shear rates
- Rotational rheometer: Anton Paar MCR 702
- Rotational rheometer: Anton Paar MCR 301
- Rotational rheometer: Physica UDS 200
- Ubbelohde viscometer: Schott, diverse
- High-pressure rolling ball viscometer: For pressures up to 700 MPa
- High-pressure falling ball viscometer: For pressures up to 700 MPa
- Autoclaves with optical windows. Automatically controlled. Pressures up to 700 MPa
- Melting curve, crystallization: Polarization microscope. For transparent samples and pressures up to 700 MPa
- Crystallization: Light scattering. For transparent samples and pressures up to 700 MPa
- Compressibility: Screw press. For liquids and pressures up to 700 MPa
- Zero-shear viscosity: Rolling ball viscometer: For liquids and pressures up to 700 MPa
- Zero-shear viscosity: Falling ball viscometer: For transparent liquids and pressures up to 700 MPa
- pH-value: Optical spectoscopy. Also for intransparent liquids and near solid surfaces. Pressures up to 700 MPa
- Thermofluiddynamics: particle image velocimeter, Laser Doppler velocimeter, hot-wire anemometry, liquid crystal thermometry. For transparent samples and pressures up to 700 MPa

- Microphone- Array
- Multi Microphone Measurements (B&K)
- Microflown pu-Probe
- Sound Intensity Probe
- Artificial Heads (KEMAR, HEADAcoustics)
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Laser Vibrometer
- Acceleration Sensors
- Force Measurements

- Particle Image Velocimetry PIV
- High speed PIV
- Laser-Doppler-Anemometer LDA
- Phase-Doppler-Anemometer PDA
- 3D Hot Wire Measurements (Streamline)
- High Speed Flow Visualization
- Multi Pressure System: 192 Channels (Pressure Systems)
- Multi Pressure System: instat. Pressure (Kulite): 64 Pressure Probes
- 16 – Channels Telemetric System
- PXI Systeme (NI)
- LabView / MATLAB
- SQuadriga – ARTEMIS Software
- Circular array with 64 microphones
- Setup on suction side
- Synchronous acquisition of microphone and rpm signal
- Virtual rotation of the array with the rotational speed of the fan
- Possibility of applying beam-forming algorithms in the frequency domain
- CAD-Software
- CAE/CFD-Software
- Multiple commercial simulation software packages
- Nek5000: Fortran 77 spectral-element solver
- Neko (github): modern Fortran 2008 spectral-element solver
- Simson: Fortran 77 spectral solver for boundary layers (manual)
- OpenFOAM
- SU2
- FASTEST-3D (in-house CFD-Code under on-going development)
- Postprocessing software including VisIt, Paraview, Python, …
The High-Performance computing resources by the Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE) enable us to perform large-scale simulations using massively parallel machines, including CPU and GPU clusters. We have also access to European machines via EuroHPC.
- Mechanical Work Shop
- Electrical Work Shop