Research Area: Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
Eman Bagheri, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Florian Wachter, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation
- Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) Simulation
- Solver Development in OpenFOAM
- Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction
- Discrete Adjoint Optimization
- Machine Learning Algorithm
- Multi-Phase Flow
- Structure Vibration and Modal Analysis
Methods and techniques
- Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods
- Pertubated Convective Wave Equations
- FW-H Methods
- HPC Computing
- LES and DNS
- OpenFoam, StarCCM+, Ansys, SU2, FASTEST3D
- Similarly, CFTurbo
- Psychoacoustic Analysis Program
- Design Tool for Axial and Radial Impeller
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- BMBF: AKUMET3D: Acoustical Metamaterials for Sound absorption in Pipes
- BFS – Adjoint Optimization Methods in Fluid System Technology
- BFS – Wind Noises on Hearing Aids
- WTD: Sound Generation in Axially Symmetrical, Turbulent Boundary Layers on a Simplified Towed Array Sonar Geometry
Selected former research
- Virtual Vehicle: Simulation of Low-Frequency Vehicle Interior Noise with Wind Excitation
- Virtual Vehicle: Aeroacoustic Simulation of Rotating Systems in HVAC Systems
- Bayern-E-home – Optimization and Noise Reduction for Vertical Wind Turbine
- EU-FET- EUNISION: Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice
- Bavarian Research Alliance: Noise Reduction of Technical Facilities
- EDA-CAPEM: Conformal Array Performance Estimation Modelling
- INIFAU: Multiphysical Simulation Model for External Noise Prediction in the Early Development Phase of a Car
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Christoph Heigl (Näger), M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Lukas Saur, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Acoustic Test Facilities
- Hybrid Acoustic PIV
- Vibro-Acoustic Measurements
- Microphone Arrays
- Flow-Acoustic Correlation
- Flow Visualization
- Inflight Acoustic Sensors
- Active Turbulence Grid
Methods and techniques
- Hot Wire Measurements
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Kiel-probe Array
- Smoke Generator
- Telemetric System
- Matches Index Refraction Technique
- Aeroacoustic and Flow Test Facilities
- Large Wind Tunnel
- Water Tunnel
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- AiF Research Project (20997 N/1): Sound Measurement of Axial Fans in Pipes
- AiF Research Project (12345 N/1): Characterization and Prediction of the Sound Radiation of Axial Fans under the Influence of Heat Exchangers
Selected former research
- Bayern-Green Factory – Design of Low Noise Production Facilities
- Bayern-E-home – Optimization and Noise Reduction for Vertical Wind Turbines
- EU FP7 – The Development and Verification of a Novel Modular Air Cooled Condenser for Enhanced Concentrated Solar Power Generation
- Bavarian Research Alliance: Noise Reduction of Technical Facilities
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Lukas Saur, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Eman Bagheri, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Pulsating Heat Pumps
- Heat Exchanger and Fan Installations
- Psychoacoustics
- HCAC Systems
- Motor Cooling Systems
Methods and techniques
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Telemetric System
- Aeroacoustic and Flow Test Facilities
- Multi-Phase Simulation
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- AiF Research Project (12345 N/1): Characterization and Prediction of the Sound Radiation of Axial Fans under the Influence of Heat Exchangers
Selected former research
- INIFAU: Aeroacoustic Noise Prediction of Automotive HVAC Systems
- INIFAU: Development of a Methodology for the Design of Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems under Consideration of Psychoacoustic
- BFS: Noise reduction of the ventilation systems of low-energy/passive houses
- BFS : Noise reduction of the cooling equipment of technical systems and devices
- Brose: Acoustics of Motor Cooling Fans
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Acoustic Metamaterials
- Resonator
- Porous Materials
- Absorber in Flow Systems
- Kevlar Foils
Methods and techniques
- Hot Wire Measurements
- Multi-Port Test Rigs
- Multi-Pressure Systems
Recent research topics
- AiF Research Project (20997 N/1): Sound Measurement of Axial Fans in Pipes
- BMBF: AKUMET3D: Acoustical Metamaterials for Sound Absorption in Pipes
Selected former research
- Bayern-Green Factory – Design of Low Noise Production Facilities
- AIF/ZIM: Turbo Resonator for Compressors
- FLT: Application of Kevlar foils for minimizing the influence of fluid mechanical pressures during acoustic measurements with slot tube probes on fans
- Schmalz: Development of a silencer for vacuum technology components
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Becker | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29579 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction
- Vibro-Acoustic Measurements
- Inflight Acoustic Sensors
- Low Noise Drone Flight
- Active Flow Control
- Acoustics of E-Bikes
Methods and techniques
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel
- Large Wind Tunnel
Recent research topics
- AkESoFlug: Energy-efficient, acoustically self-optimized drive technology for autonomous aviation
Selected former research
- BFS – Sound design for Passenger Car Interiors
- Virtual Vehicle: Simulation of Low-Frequency Vehicle Interior Noise with Wind Excitation
- INIFAU: Multiphysical Simulation Model for External Noise Prediction in the Early Development Phase of a Car
- DFG: Inflight Transition Measurements on an Airplane Wing using LDA
- VW: Active Flow Control on a 1:4 Car Model
Christoph Heigl (Näger), M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
Methods and techniques
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Artificial Vocal Folds
Recent research topics
- DFG: Tracing the mechanisms that generate tonal content in voiced speech
- BFS – Wind Noises on Hearing Aids
Selected former research
- DFG: The flow-structure interaction and the induced sound on a realistic physical vocal fold model – active model
- EU-FET- EUNISION: Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice
- University Hospital: Investigation of the influence of an internal fixator on stiffness in the pelvic ring and sacral fractures
- University Hospital: CFD investigations of medical cement on a bone screw