The interdisciplinary nature of modern fluid mechanics is also evident in the teachings offered by LSTM. For effective knowledge transfer, it’s crucial that engineering students fully grasp the phenomena and mechanisms behind the diffusive and convective transport of matter, momentum, and energy whether in experiments, theoretical discussions, or simulations. The list of our lectures in the current semester can be found below.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)
Basic data
Title | Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) |
Short text | CFD VO |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 23.12.2024 30.12.2024 06.01.2025 |
11501.04.023 |
Cooling of Power electronics
Basic data
Title | Cooling of Power electronics |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Maximum number of participants: 200
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Tue, 16:15 - 17:45 | 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 | 31.12.2024 24.12.2024 |
13003.00.874 |
Fluid Dynamics/ Fluid Mechanics
Basic data
Title | Fluid Dynamics/ Fluid Mechanics |
Short text | FM |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Geschäftsstelle des Elitestudiengangs Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP)
Parallel groups / dates
- Motivation, history organization of the lecture
- Introduction, continuum, pressure, surface tension
- Scalars, vectors and tensors
- Fluid statics and buoyancy
- Governing equations: Integral analysis of fluid flow
- Governing equations: Differential analysis of fluid flow
- Spcial forms of governing equations
- Similitude, dimensional analysis, and modeling
- Solutions of basic internal and external flows
- Applied examples of the course material
The Students
- will learn the mathematical fundamentals of integral and differential modeling fluid flows
- can classify different types of fluid flow phenomena and derive the necessary non-dimensional parameters
- can simplify and utilize mathematical models for the solution of different types of flows
- have the chance to see the direct application of the content in the research and development work conducted at LSTM-Erlangen
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter |
Literature references: - Munson, Yound and Okiishi: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. John Willey and Sons
- Fox and McDonald: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. John Willey and Sons
- White: Fluid Mechanics. McGraw Hill
- Durst: Grundlagen der Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Theorie der Strömung von Fluiden. Springer
Maximum number of participants: 30
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Thu, 12:15 - 13:45 | 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 | 26.12.2024 02.01.2025 |
12104.01.421 |
Fluid Dynamics for Clean Energy Processes
Basic data
Title | Fluid Dynamics for Clean Energy Processes |
Short text | FDCEP |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter |
Maximum number of participants: 30
No planned appointments for this parallel group yet.
Pumps and Turbines
Basic data
Title | Pumps and Turbines |
Short text | PuT |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
The course is taught on campus.
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Maximum number of participants: 150
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Thu, 08:15 - 09:45 | 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 | 26.12.2024 02.01.2025 |
12104.01.421 |
Basic data
Title | Rheologie/Rheometrie |
Short text | RHEO VO |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
ECTS-Credits: 7,5 einschließlich Praktikum
Parallel groups / dates
Rheology studies material deformation und flow properties. It mainly focusses on material behavior of complex matter. This includes practically all materials of biologic origin like cells, tissue, body fluids, biopolymers and proteins but also most of the chemical systems like, in general, polymer melts and solutions, suspensions, emulsions, foams or gels. This knowledge and the required measurement techniques are of major importance in developing engineering solutions. This includes the determination of rheological properties of new materials but also of biological systems, their changes due to diseases or due to medical treatment. It is indispensable for the proper design of process plants (e.g. pressure loss, stirrer and pump selection, load limits of cells e.g. in 3D printing and bioreactors, etc.), process control (e.g. in printing, coating, varnishing, spraying, extrusion, labeling) as well as for meeting quality standards of the product (food, cosmetics, detergents, etc.).
The course Rheology/Rheometry deals with the primary flow and deformation properties during steady and time dependent stress. Besides empirical constitutive equations, the influence of the microstructure on the rheological behavior is presented. Techniques for measuring the material behavior (rheometrical, online-, inline-viscometers, rheo-optical) and the impact of typical measurement errors, their avoidance or correction are described.
Exercises complete the lecture. Students are instructed to apply their knowledge to rheological problems und to develop appropriate solutions. There exists the possibility to acquaint oneself with rheological measurement devices and methods in a practical course. null
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wierschem |
Literature references: - C. W. Macosko: Rheology - Principles, Measurement and Application, Wiley-VCH (1994)
- F. A. Morrison: Understanding Rheology, Oxford Univ. Press (2001)
- J. F. Steffe: Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering, Freeman (1996)
- T. G. Mezger: Das Rheologie Handbuch, 5th ed., Vincentz (2016)
- H. A. Barnes, J. F. Hutton, K. Walters: An Introduction to Rheology, Elsevier (1989)
- R. G. Larson: The Structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids, Oxford (1999)
- T. F. Tadros: Rheology of Dispersions, Wiley-VCH (2011)
- T. A. Witten: Structured fluids, Oxford (2010)
- P. Coussot: Rheometry of Pastes, Suspensions, and Granular Materials, Wiley (2005)
- M. Pahl, W. Gleißle, H.-M, Laun: Praktische Rheologie der Kunststoffe und Elastomere, 4. Auflage, VDI-Verlag (1995)
- D. Weipert, H.-D. Tscheuschner, E. Windhab: Rheologie der Lebensmittel, Behrs Verlag (1993)
- M. A. Rao: Rheology of fluid and semisolid foods, 3rd ed., Springer (2013)
- J. W. Goodwin, R. W. Hughes: Rheology for Chemists, RSC Publishing (2008)
- D. Lerche, R. Miller, M. Schäffler: Dispersionseigenschaften, 2D-Rheologie, 3D-Rheologie, Stabilität (2015)
- G. G. Fuller: Optical Rheometry of Complex Fluids, Oxford Univ. Press (1995)
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 12:15 - 13:45 | 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 30.12.2024 23.12.2024 06.01.2025 |
mündl., 30 min | 12104.01.411 |
Einzeltermin Mon, 12:15 - 13:45 | 28.10.2024 - 28.10.2024 | 11901.00.240 |
Strömungsmechanik II (Vertiefung)
Basic data
Title | Strömungsmechanik II (Vertiefung) |
Short text | STM II V |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Parallel groups / dates
The lecture is an advanced course in fluid mechanics. Dimensional analysis and similarity are introduced as basic tools in fluid mechanics. Using dimensional analysis, areas of fluid mechanics that are of rather general importance in engineering are presented. These cover creeping and time dependent flows as well as potential and boundary-layer flows and turbulent and compressible flows.
Exercises complete the lecture. Students are instructed to analyze, evaluate and finally solve fluid mechanical problems. null
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wierschem |
Literature references: - J. H. Spurk, N. Aksel: Strömungslehre: Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen, 8. Auflage, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2010
- F. Durst, Grundlagen der Strömungsmechanik - Eine Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen in Fluiden, Springer, 2006
- P. K. Kundu, Fluid Mechanics, 5th Ed., Academic Press, 2012
- F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 7th Rev. Ed., McGraw Hill, 2011 null
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Tue, 12:15 - 13:45 | 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 | 24.12.2024 31.12.2024 |
12104.01.421 |
Basic data
Title | Turbomaschinen |
Short text | TM |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
- Funktionsprinzip der Turbomaschinen
- Leistungsbilanzen, Wirkungsgrade, Zustandsverläufe
- Ähnlichkeitskennzahlen
- Kennlinien und Kennfelder.
- Betriebsverhalten
- Grundbegriffe der Gitterströmung
- Kräfte an Gitterschaufeln
- Schaufelgitter
- Gehäuse
- CFD für Turbomaschinen
- Grundlagen Windturbinen
- Akustik
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Wed, 16:15 - 17:45 | 16.10.2024 - 05.02.2025 | 01.01.2025 25.12.2024 |
12104.01.421 |
Turbulence II (V)
Basic data
Title | Turbulence II (V) |
Short text | T II |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
Turbulence decomposition
(mean flow, turbulent stresses, higher-order moments);
second order moments (anisotropy tensor, invariants);
anisotropy invariant mapping of turbulence in wall-bounded flows;
turbulent viscosity, Prandtl-Kolmogorov formula;
dynamics of turbulence dissipation rate;
twopoint correlation technique (locally homogeneous turbulence);
dissipation rate equation (closure model);
velocity-pressure gradient correlations
(Poisson equation, Chous integral, slow and fast parts of correlations);
turbulence transport (closure approximation);
predictions (homogeneous shear flows, wall-bounded flows, transitional flows)
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Jovan Jovanovic |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Wed, 14:15 - 15:45 | 16.10.2024 - 05.02.2025 | 25.12.2024 01.01.2025 |
12104.01.411 | |
Einzeltermin Fri, 12:15 - 13:45 | 17.01.2025 - 17.01.2025 | 12104.01.411 | |||
Einzeltermin Fri, 12:15 - 13:45 | 24.01.2025 - 24.01.2025 | 12104.01.411 |
Strömungsakustik / Aeroacoustics
Basic data
Title | Strömungsakustik / Aeroacoustics |
Short text | StrAk |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Parallel groups / dates
- Strömungsmechanische Grundlagen (Grundgleichungen, Turbulenz, Wirbelstärke, Kompressible
- Akustik (Wellengleichung, Greensche Funktion, Monopol, Dipol und
- Akustische Analogie (Lighthill-Analogie, Curle-Theorie, Vortex-Schall, APEGleichungen)
- Aeroakustische Messverfahren und Messeinrichtungen
- Hybride numerische CAA-Verfahren
- Anwendungen: Tonaler Schall: Zylinder
- Breitbandlärm: Stufe Freistrahllärm, Tragflügellärm, Turbomaschinen
Windenergieanlagen, Akustik der menschlichen Stimme
- Beurteilung der Schallwahrnehmung
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 4 |
Teaching language | German or English |
Responsible |
Florian Wachter apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Literature references: - Lehrbuch: Grundlagen der Strömungsmechanik, Franz Durst
- Vorlesungsskript: Strömungsakustik, Kaltenbacher/Becker
Maximum number of participants: 150
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 10:15 - 11:45 | 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 23.12.2024 30.12.2024 06.01.2025 |
11401.00.123 |
Advanced Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Basic data
Title | Advanced Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Short text | ATICFD |
Module frequency | in jedem Semester |
Bewertet wird zu einem speziellen Thema ein Vortrag und eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Teaching language | German or English |
Responsible |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
nach Vereinbarung - | - |
Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
Basic data
Title | Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten |
Module frequency | in jedem Semester |
Semester hours per week | 4 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 4 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wierschem |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
nach Vereinbarung - | - |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) - Praktikum
Basic data
Title | Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) - Praktikum |
Short text | CFD P |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Parallel groups / dates
The theory given in the lectures and applied in the exercise class is implemented into computer programs in this practical class.
The following problems are solved with matlab/octave programs:
- the Blasius-similarity equations
- heat-transfer problems
- boundary layer equations
- flow of fluid in a lid-driven cavity
The students who successfully complete this practical class should:
- be able to write matlab/octave problems solving transport problems
- understand the convergence and accuracy of a method in practical situations
- write a program to solve the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
- work in team and write reports describing the results and significance of a simulation
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Suharto Saha Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter |
Maximum number of participants: 40
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 10:00 - 12:00 | 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 23.12.2024 30.12.2024 06.01.2025 |
11302.00.156 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)
Basic data
Title | Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) |
Short text | CFD UE |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Thu, 12:15 - 13:45 | 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 | 26.12.2024 02.01.2025 |
11201.00.245 |
Exercise Cooling of Power electronics
Basic data
Title | Exercise Cooling of Power electronics |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Maximum number of participants: 150
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Wed, 10:15 - 11:45 | 16.10.2024 - 05.02.2025 | 01.01.2025 25.12.2024 |
13003.U1.850 |
Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Mechanics (Exercise)
Basic data
Title | Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Mechanics (Exercise) |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | English |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch |
Maximum number of participants: 20
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Tue, 08:15 - 09:45 | 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 | 24.12.2024 31.12.2024 |
11501.00.154 |
Pumps and Turbines (Exercises)
Basic data
Title | Pumps and Turbines (Exercises) |
Short text | PuT (T) |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Maximum number of participants: 100
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Tue, 10:15 - 12:30 | 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 | 24.12.2024 31.12.2024 |
11501.04.023 |
Rheologie/Rheometrie - Übung
Basic data
Title | Rheologie/Rheometrie - Übung |
Short text | RHEO UE |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Parallel groups / dates
Hier wird den Studierenden die Gelegenheit gegeben nachzuweisen, daß
sie den Vorlesungsstoff nicht nur verstanden, sondern auch auf
andere Methoden anwenden könnnen.
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wierschem |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 16:15 - 17:45 | 21.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 06.01.2025 30.12.2024 23.12.2024 |
12104.01.411 |
Strömungsmechanik II (Vertiefung) - Übung
Basic data
Title | Strömungsmechanik II (Vertiefung) - Übung |
Short text | STM II UE |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 1 |
ACHTUNG! Die erste Übung findet am 24.10.22 statt!
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
Aliena Bösl Prof. Dr. Andreas Wierschem |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Fri, 14:15 - 15:45 | 18.10.2024 - 07.02.2025 | 03.01.2025 27.12.2024 20.12.2024 01.11.2024 |
12104.01.421 |
Turbulence II (UE)
Basic data
Title | Turbulence II (UE) |
Short text | T II UE |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 3 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Jovan Jovanovic |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
Blockveranstaltung Mon, 15:00 - 17:00 | 10.02.2025 - 21.02.2025 |
12104.01.411 |
Übungen zu Strömungsakustik
Basic data
Title | Übungen zu Strömungsakustik |
Short text | StrAkÜ |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 1 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Maximum number of participants: 40
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Mon, 14:15 - 15:45 | 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 | 30.12.2024 06.01.2025 23.12.2024 |
11901.00.236 |
Übungen zu Turbomaschinen
Basic data
Title | Übungen zu Turbomaschinen |
Module frequency | nur im Wintersemester |
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Parallel groups / dates
1. Parallelgruppe
Semester hours per week | 2 |
Teaching language | German |
Responsible |
apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker |
Date and Time | Start date - End date | Cancellation date | Lecturer(s) | Comment | Room |
wöchentlich Thu, 16:15 - 17:45 | 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 | 26.12.2024 02.01.2025 |
12104.01.421 |