Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter

Prof. Dr. Sc. Techn. Philipp Schlatter

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Fluid Mechanics

Room: Room 01.223
Cauerstr. 4
91058 Erlangen

Philipp Schlatter (from Zürich, Switzerland) obtained a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) in 2001, and a PhD in Fluid Mechanics at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics (IFD) from ETH in 2005. He then moved to the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, first as a Postdoc, from 2007-2010 as an assistant professor, from 2010-2018 as associate professor, and from 2019 as full professor at KTH, with special interest in large-scale simulations of turbulent flows, mainly in wall-bounded configurations. In 2014 he was chosen as a Wallenberg Academy Fellow (which was extended in 2018), a prestigious programme with 5+5 year funding. He was also the director of the Linné FLOW Centre at KTH Stockholm, leading the fluid-dynamics community in the Swedish e-Science Research Centre, and the Swedish National Allocation Committee. In 2023 he moved to the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (LSTM) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg. He is also adjunct professor at the University of Bologna. He is also Associate Editor of the International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (IJHFF). The current research involves both large-scale simulations based on highly accurate spectral and spectral-element methods, but also close interaction to experimentalists in an effort to cross-validate simulation and experimental data.

Profile at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Profile at University of Bologna

Publications: Google Scholar





Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)

Title Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)
Short text CFD VO
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

1. Parallelgruppe

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Mon, 14:15 - 15:45 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 23.12.2024
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch

Cooling of Power electronics

Title Cooling of Power electronics
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

1. Parallelgruppe

Maximum number of participants: 200

Link to Campo

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Tue, 16:15 - 17:45 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 31.12.2024
  • apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter

Fluid Dynamics/ Fluid Mechanics

Title Fluid Dynamics/ Fluid Mechanics
Short text FM
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

Geschäftsstelle des Elitestudiengangs Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP)

- Motivation, history organization of the lecture
- Introduction, continuum, pressure, surface tension
- Scalars, vectors and tensors
- Fluid statics and buoyancy
- Governing equations: Integral analysis of fluid flow
- Governing equations: Differential analysis of fluid flow
- Spcial forms of governing equations
- Similitude, dimensional analysis, and modeling
- Solutions of basic internal and external flows
- Applied examples of the course material

The Students
- will learn the mathematical fundamentals of integral and differential modeling fluid flows
- can classify different types of fluid flow phenomena and derive the necessary non-dimensional parameters
- can simplify and utilize mathematical models for the solution of different types of flows
- have the chance to see the direct application of the content in the research and development work conducted at LSTM-Erlangen

1. Parallelgruppe

Literature references: - Munson, Yound and Okiishi: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. John Willey and Sons
- Fox and McDonald: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. John Willey and Sons
- White: Fluid Mechanics. McGraw Hill
- Durst: Grundlagen der Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Theorie der Strömung von Fluiden. Springer

Maximum number of participants: 30

Link to Campo

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Thu, 12:15 - 13:45 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 26.12.2024
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch

Fluid Dynamics for Clean Energy Processes

Title Fluid Dynamics for Clean Energy Processes
Short text FDCEP
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

1. Parallelgruppe

Maximum number of participants: 30

Link to Campo

No planned appointments for this parallel group yet.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) - Praktikum

Title Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD) - Praktikum
Short text CFD P
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 3

The theory given in the lectures and applied in the exercise class is implemented into computer programs in this practical class.

The following problems are solved with matlab/octave programs:

- the Blasius-similarity equations
- heat-transfer problems
- boundary layer equations
- flow of fluid in a lid-driven cavity

The students who successfully complete this practical class should:

- be able to write matlab/octave problems solving transport problems
- understand the convergence and accuracy of a method in practical situations
- write a program to solve the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
- work in team and write reports describing the results and significance of a simulation

1. Parallelgruppe

Maximum number of participants: 40

Link to Campo

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Mon, 10:00 - 12:00 14.10.2024 - 03.02.2025 23.12.2024
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter
  • Dr. Siavash Toosi

Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)

Title Computational Fluid Dynamics (NMTFD)
Short text CFD UE
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 1

1. Parallelgruppe

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Thu, 12:15 - 13:45 17.10.2024 - 06.02.2025 26.12.2024
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter
  • Dr. Siavash Toosi

Exercise Cooling of Power electronics

Title Exercise Cooling of Power electronics
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

1. Parallelgruppe

Maximum number of participants: 150

Link to Campo

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Wed, 10:15 - 11:45 16.10.2024 - 05.02.2025 01.01.2025
  • apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Becker
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter

Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Mechanics (Exercise)

Title Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Mechanics (Exercise)
Module frequency nur im Wintersemester
Semester hours per week 2

1. Parallelgruppe

Maximum number of participants: 20

Link to Campo

Date and Time Start date - End date Cancellation date Lecturer(s) Comment Room
wöchentlich Tue, 08:15 - 09:45 15.10.2024 - 04.02.2025 24.12.2024
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Schlatter

Recorded lectures:

Youtube videos:

Scientific Animations:


Selected Pictures:

Vortical structures around a Flettner rotor (Reference Massaro et al., Sci. Rep. 2024):

Streamwise vorticity in a turbulent pipe flow at Reτ=1000 (Reference El Khoury et al. FTaC 2013):


Turbulent boundary layer (Reference Schlatter and Örlü, JFM 2010):